1. A hierarchical memory system that uses cache
memory has cache access time of 50 nano seconds, main memory access time of 300
nano seconds, 75% of memory requests are for read, hit ratio of 0.8 for read
access and the write-through scheme is used. What will be the average access
time of the system both for read and write requests ?
(A) 157.5 n.sec.
(B) 110 n.sec. (C) 75 n.sec.
(D) 82.5
Answer: A
2. For switching from a CPU user mode to the
supervisor mode following type of interrupt is most appropriate
(A) Internal interrupts
External interrupts
(C) Software interrupts
(D) None of the above
Answer: C
3. In a dot matrix printer the time to print a
character is 6 m.sec., time to space in between characters is 2 m.sec., and the
number of characters in a line are 200. The printing speed of the dot matrix
printer in characters per second and the time to print a character line are
given by which of the following options ?
(A) 125 chars/second and 0.8 seconds
(B) 250 chars/second and 0.6 seconds
(C) 166 chars/second and 0.8 seconds
(D) 250 chars/second and 0.4 seconds
Answer: A
4. Match the following 8085 instructions with the
flags :
List – I
List – II
i. only carry flag
is affected.
b. SUB
ii. no flags are affected.
c. STC
iii. all flags other than carry flag are affected.
d. DCR
all flags are affected.
Codes :
a b
c d
(A) iv i iii
(B) iii ii i
(C) ii iii i
(D) ii iv i
Answer: D
5. How many times will the following loop be
executed ?
LXI B, 0007 H
(A) 05 (B) 07(C) 09 (D) 00
Answer: B
6. Specify the contents of the accumulator and
the status of the S, Z and CY flags when 8085 microprocessor performs addition
of 87 H and 79 H.
(A) 11, 1, 1, 1 (B) 10, 0, 1, 0
(C) 01, 1, 0, 0 (D) 00, 0, 1, 1
Answer: D
7. Location transparency allows :
I. Users to treat the data as if it is done at one location.
II. Programmers to treat the data as if it is at one location.
III. Managers to treat the data as if it is at one location.
Which one of the following is correct ?
(A) I, II and III
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) II only
Answer: A
8. Which of the following is correct ?
I. Two phase locking is an optimistic protocol.
II. Two phase locking is pessimistic protocol
III. Time stamping is an optimistic protocol.
IV. Time stamping is pessimistic protocol.
(A) I and III (B) II and IV
(C) I and IV (D) II and III
Answer: D
9. ............... rules used to limit the volume
of log information that has to be handled and processed in the event of system
failure involving the loss of volatile information.
(A) Write-ahead log (B) Check-pointing
(C) Log buffer
(D) Thomas
Answer: B
10. Let R = ABCDE is a relational scheme with
functional dependency set F = {A®B, B®C, AC®D}. The attribute
closures of A and E are
(A) ABCD, f
(C) F, f
(D) ABC, E
Answer: B
11. Consider the following statements :
I. Re-construction operation used in mixed fragmentation satisfies commutative rule.
II. Re-construction operation used in vertical fragmentation satisfies commutative rule
I. Re-construction operation used in mixed fragmentation satisfies commutative rule.
II. Re-construction operation used in vertical fragmentation satisfies commutative rule
Which of the following is correct ?
(A) I
(B) II
(C) Both are correct
(D) None of the statements are correct.
Answer: D
12. Which of the following is false ?
(A) Every binary relation is never be in BCNF.
(B) Every BCNF relation is in 3NF.
(C) 1 NF, 2 NF, 3 NF and BCNF are based on functional
(D) Multivalued Dependency (MVD) is a special case of Join
Dependency (JD).
Answer: A
13. Which of the following categories of languages
do not refer to animation languages ?
(A) Graphical languages (B)
General-purpose languages
(C) Linear-list notations
(D) None of the above
Answer: D
14. Match the following :
List – I
List – II
a. Tablet, Joystick
Continuous devices
b. Light Pen, Touch Screen ii. Direct devices
c. Locator, Keyboard
iii. Logical devices
d. Data Globe, Sonic Pen iv. 3D
interaction devices
Codes :
a b
c d
(A) ii i iv
(B) i iv iii ii
(C) i ii iii
(D) iv iii ii i
Answer: C
15. A technique used to approximate halftones
without reducing spatial resolution is known as .................
(A) Halftoning
(C) Error diffusion (D) None of
the above
Answer: B
16. Consider a triangle represented by A(0, 0),
B(1, 1), C(5, 2). The triangle is rotated by 45 degrees about a point P(–1,
–1). The co-ordinates of the new triangle obtained after rotation shall be
(A) A'(-1,√2 - 1), B'(-1,2√2 - 1), C'(3/2√2
– 1, 9/2√2 – 1)
(B) A'(√2 - 1, -1), B'(2√2 - 1, -1), C'(3/2√2
– 1, 9/2√2 – 1)
(C) A'(-1, √2 - 1), B'(2√2 - 1, -1), C'(3/2√2
– 1, 9/2√2 – 1)
(D) A'(-1, √2 - 1), B'(2√2 - 1, -1), C'(9/2√2
– 1, 3/2√2 – 1)
Answer: A
17. In Cyrus-Beck algorithm for line clipping the
value of t parameter is computed by the relation :
(Here P1 and P2 are the two end points of the line, f is a
point on the boundary, n1 is inner normal)
Answer: B
18. Match the following :
a. Cavalier Projection i. The
direction of projection is chosen so that there is no
of lines perpendicular to the xy plane.
b. Cabinet Projection ii.
The direction of projection is chosen so that lines perpendicular
the xy planes are foreshortened by half their lengths.
c. Isometric Projection iii. The direction of
projection makes equal angles with all of
principal axis.
d. Orthographic Projection iv.
Projections are characterized by the fact that the
of projection is perpendicular to the view plane.
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i iii iv ii
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) i ii iii iv
Answer: D
19. Consider the following statements S1, S2 and
S3 :
S1 : In call-by-value,
anything that is passed into a function call is unchanged in the
caller’s scope when
the function returns.
S2 : In
call-by-reference, a function receives implicit reference to a variable used as
S3 : In
call-by-reference, caller is unable to see the modified variable used as
(A) S3 and S2 are
true. (B) S3 and S1 are
(C) S2 and S1 are
true. (D) S1, S2, S3 are true.
Answer: C
20. How many tokens will be generated by the
scanner for the following statement ?
x = x *
(a + b) – 5;
(A) 12 (B) 11
(C) 10 (D) 07
Answer: A
21. Which of the following statements is not true
(A) MPI_Isend and
MPI_Irecv are non-blocking message passing routines of MPI.
(B) MPI_Issend and
MPI_Ibsend are non-blocking message passing routines of MPI.
(C) MPI_Send and
MPI_Recv are non-blocking message passing routines of MPI.
(D) MPI_Ssend and
MPI_Bsend are blocking message passing routines of MPI.
Answer: C
22. The pushdown automation M = ({q0, q1, q2}, {a, b}, {0,
1}, d, q0, 0, {q0}) with
d (q0, a, 0) = {(q1, 10)}
d (q1, a, 1) = {(q1, 11)}
d (q1, b, 1) = {(q2, l)}
d (q2, b, 1) = {(q2, l)}
d (q2, l, 0) = {(q0, l)}
Accepts the language
(A) L = {an bm | n, m ≥ 0}
(B) L = {an bn | n ≥ 0}
(C) L = {an bm | n, m > 0}
(D) L = {an bn | n > 0}
Answer: B
23. Given two languages :
L1 = {(ab)n ak | n > k, k ≥ 0}
L2 = {an bm | n ¹ m}
Using pumping lemma for regular language, it can be shown that
(A) L1 is regular and L2 is not regular.
(B) L1 is not regular and L2 is regular.
(C) L1 is regular and L2 is regular.
(D) L1 is not regular and L2 is not regular.
Answer: D
24. Regular expression for the complement of
language L = {an bm | n ≥ 4, m ≤ 3} is
(A) (a + b)* ba(a + b)*
(B) a* bbbbb*
(C) (l + a + aa + aaa)b*
+ (a + b)* ba(a + b)*
(D) None of the above
Answer: D
25. For n devices in a network, ..............
number of duplex-mode links are required for a mesh topology.
(A) n(n + 1) (B) n (n – 1)
(C) n(n + 1)/2 (D) n(n – 1)/2
Answer: D
26. How many characters per second (7 bits + 1
parity) can be transmitted over a 3200 bps line if the transfer is asynchronous
? (Assuming 1 start bit and 1 stop bit)
(A) 300
(B) 320
(C) 360
(D) 400
Answer: B
27. Which of the following is not a field in TCP
header ?
(A) Sequence number
(B) Fragment
(C) Checksum
(D) Window size
Answer: B
28. What is the propagation time if the distance
between the two points is 48,000 ? Assume the propagation speed to be 2.4 × 108 metre/second in cable.
(A) 0.5 ms (B)
20 ms
(C) 50 ms (D)
200 ms
Answer: Marks given to all
29. .............. is a bit-oriented protocol for
communication over point-to-point and multipoint links.
(A) Stop-and-wait (B) HDLC
(C) Sliding window (D) Go-back-N
Answer: B
30. Which one of the following is true for
asymmetric-key cryptography ?
(A) Private key is kept by the receiver and public key is
announced to the public.
(B) Public key is kept by the receiver and private key is
announced to the public.
(C) Both private key and public key are kept by the receiver.
(D) Both private key and public key are announced to the public.
Answer: A
31. Any decision tree that sorts n elements has
(A) W (n) (B) W (lgn)
(C) W (nlgn)
(D) W (n2)
Answer: C
32. Match the following :
List – I
List – II
a. Bucket sort
i. O(n3lgn)
b. Matrix chain multiplication ii. O(n3)
c. Huffman codes
iii. O(nlgn)
d. All pairs shortest paths iv.
Codes :
a b c d
(A) iv ii i iii
(B) ii iv i iii
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) iii ii iv i
Answer: C
33. We can show that the clique problem is NP-hard
by proving that
(D) None of the above
Answer: D
34. Dijkstra algorithm, which solves the
single-source shortest--paths problem, is a ................, and the
Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which finds shortest paths between all pairs of
vertices, is a ...............
(A) Greedy algorithm, Divide-conquer algorithm
(B) Divide-conquer algorithm, Greedy algorithm
(C) Greedy algorithm, Dynamic programming algorithm
(D) Dynamic programming algorithm, Greedy algorithm
Answer: C
35. Consider the problem of a chain <A1, A2, A3> of three
matrices. Suppose that the dimensions of the matrices are 10 × 100, 100 × 5 and
5 × 50 respectively. There are two different ways of parenthesization : (i) ((A1 A2)A3) and (ii) (A1(A2 A3)). Computing the
product according to the first parenthesization is .................. times
faster in comparison to the second parenthesization.
(A) 5 (B) 10
(C) 20 (D) 100
Answer: B
36. Suppose that we have numbers between 1 and
1000 in a binary search tree and we want to search for the number 365. Which of
the following sequences could not be the sequence of nodes examined ?
(A) 4, 254, 403, 400, 332, 346, 399, 365
(B) 926, 222, 913, 246, 900, 260, 364, 365
(C) 927, 204,913, 242, 914, 247, 365
(D) 4, 401, 389, 221, 268, 384, 383, 280, 365
Answer: C
37. Which methods are utilized to control the
access to an object in multi-threaded programming ?
(A) Asynchronized methods (B) Synchronized methods
(C) Serialized methods
(D) None of the above
Answer: B
Answer: A
39. Converting a primitive type data into its
corresponding wrapper class object instance is called
(A) Boxing
(B) Wrapping
(C) Instantiation
(D) Autoboxing
Answer: D
40. The behaviour of the document elements in XML
can be defined by
(A) Using document object
(B) Registering appropriate event handlers
(C) Using element object
(D) All of the above
Answer: D
41. What is true about UML stereotypes ?
(A) Stereotype is used for extending the UML language.
(B) Stereotyped class must be abstract
(C) The stereotype indicates that the UML element cannot be
(D) UML profiles can be stereotyped for backward compatibility
Answer: A
42. Which method is called first by an applet
program ?
(A) start( )
(B) run( )
(C) init( )
(D) begin( )
Answer: C
43. Which one of the following is not a source
code metric ?
(A) Halstead metric
(B) Function point metric
(C) Complexity metric
(D) Length metric
Answer: B
44. To compute function points (FP), the following
relationship is used
FP = Count – total ×
(0.65 + 0.01 × S (Fi)) where Fi (i = 1 to n) are value adjustment factors
(VAF) based on n questions. The value of n is
(A) 12 (B) 14
(C) 16 (D) 18
Answer: B
45. Assume that the software team defines a
project risk with 80% probability of occurrence of risk in the following manner
Only 70 percent of the
software components scheduled for reuse will be integrated into the application
and the remaining functionality will have to be custom developed. If 60
reusable components were planned with average component size as 100 LOC and
software engineering cost for each LOC as $ 14, then the risk exposure would be
(A) $ 25,200 (B) $ 20,160
(C) $ 17,640 (D) $ 15,120
Answer: B
46. Maximum possible value of reliability is
(A) 100 (B) 10
(C) 1 (D) 0
Answer: C
47. ‘FAN IN’ of a component A is defined as
(A) Count of the number of components that can call, or pass
control, to a component A
(B) Number of components related to component A
(C) Number of components dependent on component A
(D) None of the above
Answer: A
48. Temporal cohesion means
(A) Coincidental cohesion
(B) Cohesion between temporary variables
(C) Cohesion between local variables
(D) Cohesion with respect to time
Answer: D
49. Various storage devices used by an operating
system can be arranged as follows in increasing order of accessing speed :
(A) Magnetic
tapes ® magnetic disks ® optical disks ® electronic
disks ® main memory ® cache® registers
(B) Magnetic
tapes ® magnetic disks ® electronic disks ® optical
disks ® main memory ® cache® registers
(C) Magnetic
tapes ® electronic disks ® magnetic disks ® optical
disks ® main memory ® cache® registers
(D) Magnetic
tapes ® optical disks ® magnetic disks ® electronic
disks ® main memory ® cache® registers
Answer: D
50. How many disk blocks are required to keep list
of free disk blocks in a 16 GB hard disk with 1 kB block size using linked list
of free disk blocks ? Assume that the disk block number is stored in 32 bits.
(A) 1024 blocks
(B) 16794 blocks
(C) 20000 blocks (D)
1048576 blocks
Answer: Marks given to all
51. Consider an imaginary disk with 40 cylinders.
A request come to read a block on cylinder 11. While the seek to cylinder 11 is
in progress, new requests come in for cylinders 1, 36, 16, 34, 9 and 12 in that
order. The number of arm motions using shortest seek first algorithm is
(A) 111 (B) 112
(C) 60 (D) 61
Answer: D
52. An operating system has 13 tape drives. There
are three processes P1, P2 & P3. Maximum requirement of P1 is 11 tape
drives, P2 is 5 tape drives and P3 is 8 tape drives. Currently, P1 is allocated
6 tape drives, P2 is allocated 3 tape drives and P3 is allocated 2 tape drives.
Which of the following sequences represent a safe state ?
(A) P2 P1 P3 (B) P2 P3 P1
(C) P1 P2 P3 (D) P1 P3 P2
Answer: A
53. Monitor is an Interprocess Communication (IPC)
technique which can be described as
(A) It is higher level
synchronization primitive and is a collection of procedures, variables, and
data structures grouped together in a special package.
(B) It is a
non-negative integer which apart from initialization can be acted upon by wait
and signal operations.
(C) It uses two
primitives, send and receive which are system calls rather than language
(D) It consists of the
IPC primitives implemented as system calls to block the process when they are
not allowed to enter critical region to save CPU time.
Answer: A
54. In a distributed computing environment,
distributed shared memory is used which is
(A) Logical combination of virtual memories on the nodes.
(B) Logical combination of physical memories on the nodes.
(C) Logical combination of the secondary memories on all the
(D) All of the above
Answer: B
55. Equivalent logical expression for the Well
Formed Formula (WFF),
~("x) F[x]
(A) "x (~F[x]) (B) ~($x) F[x]
(C) $x (~F[x]) (D) "x F[x]
Answer: C
56. An A* algorithm is a heuristic search
technique which
(A) is like a
depth-first search where most promising child is selected for expansion
(B) generates all
successor nodes and computes an estimate of distance (cost) from start node to
a goal node through each of the successors. It then chooses the successor with
shortest cost.
(C) saves all path
lengths (costs) from start node to all generated nodes and chooses shortest
path for further expansion.
(D) none of the above
Answer: B
57. The resolvent of the set of clauses
(A Ú B, ~A Ú D, C Ú ~B) is
(A) A Ú B
(B) C Ú D
(C) A Ú C
(D) A Ú D
Answer: B
58. Match the following :
a. Script i. Directed graph with labelled nodes for
graphical representation of knowledge
b. Conceptual Dependencies ii. Knowledge about
objects and events is stored in
record-like structures consisting
of slots and slot values.
c. Frames
iii. Primitive concepts and rules to
represent natural
language statements
d. Associative Network
Frame like structures used to represent stereotypical
for commonly occurring events in terms of
actors,roles, props and scenes
Codes :
a b c d
(A) iv ii i iii
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) i iii iv ii
Answer: B
59. Match the following components of an expert
system :
a. I/O interface i. Accepts user’s queries and
responds to
through I/O interface
b. Explanation module ii. Contains facts and rules
about the domain
c. Inference engine iii.
Gives the user, the ability to follow inferencing
at any time during consultation
d. Knowledge base iv. Permits the user to communicate with the
system in a natural way
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i iii iv ii
(B) iv iii i ii
(C) i iii ii iv
(D) iv i iii ii
Answer: B
60. A computer based information system is needed
I. as it is difficult for administrative staff to process data.
II. due to rapid growth of information and communication
III. due to growing size of organizations which need to process
large volume of data.
IV. as timely and accurate decisions are to be taken.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true ?
(A) I and II
(B) III and IV
(C) II and III
(D) II and IV
Answer: B
61. Given the recursively enumerable language (LRE),
the context sensitive language (LCS), the recursive language (LREC),
the context free language (LCF) and deterministic context free
language (LDCF). The relationship between these families is given by
Answer: D
62. Match the following :
List – I
List – II
a. Context free grammar
i. Linear bounded automaton
b. Regular grammar
ii. Pushdown automaton
c. Context sensitive grammar iii. Turing machine
d. Unrestricted grammar
iv. Deterministic finite automaton
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii iv iii i
(B) ii iv i iii
(C) iv i ii iii
(D) i iv iii ii
Answer: B
63. According to pumping lemma for context free
languages :
Let L be an infinite
context free language, then there exists some positive integer m such that any
wÎ L
with |w|³m can be decomposed as w = u v x y z
(A) with | vxy | £ m such that uvi xyi zÎL for all i = 0, 1, 2
(B) with | vxy | £ m, and | vy | ³ 1, such that uvi xyi zÎL for all i = 0, 1, 2, …….
(C) with | vxy | ³ m, and | vy | £ 1, such that uvi xyi zÎL for all i = 0, 1, 2, …….
(D) with | vxy | ³ m, and | vy | ³ 1, such that uvi xyi zÎL for all i = 0, 1, 2, …….
Answer: B
64. Given two spatial masks
The Laplacian of an
image at all points (x, y) can be implemented by convolving the image with
spatial mask. Which of the following can be used as the spatial mask ?
(A) only S1
(B) only S2
(C) Both S1 and S2 (D) None of these
Answer: B
Answer: B
65. Given a simple image of size 10 × 10 whose
histogram models the symbol probabilities and is given by
The first order estimate of image entropy is maximum when
(A) a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 1
(B) a =1/2, b =1/2, c = 0, d = 0
(C) a =1/3, b =1/3, c =1/3, d = 0
(D) a =1/4, b =1/4, c =1/4, d =1/4
Answer: D
66. A Butterworth lowpass filter of order n, with
a cutoff frequency at distance D0 from the origin, has
the transfer function H(u, v) given by
Answer: A
67. If an artificial variable is present in the
‘basic variable’ column of optimal simplex table, then the solution is
(A) Optimum
(B) Infeasible
(C) Unbounded
(D) Degenerate
Answer: B
68. The occurrence of degeneracy while solving a
transportation problem means that
(A) total supply equals total demand
(B) total supply does not equal total demand
(C) the solution so obtained is not feasible
(D) none of these
Answer: C
69. Five men are available to do five different
jobs. From past records, the time (in hours) that each man takes to do each job
is known and is given in the following table :
Find out the minimum time required to complete all the jobs.
(A) 5 (B) 11
(C) 13 (D) 15
Answer: C
70. Consider the following statements about a
perception :
I. Feature detector can be any function of the input parameters.
II. Learning procedure only adjusts the connection weights to
the output layer.
Identify the correct statement out of the following :
(A) I is false and II is false. (B) I is true
and II is false.
(C) I is false and II is true. (D) I is
true and II is true.
Answer: D
71. A ............... point of a fuzzy set A is a
point xÎX at which μA(x)
= 0.5
(A) core
(C) crossover (D) a-cut
Answer: C
72. Match the following learning modes w.r.t.
characteristics of available information for learning :
a. Supervised i. Instructive information
on desired responses, explicitly specified by a teacher.
b. Recording ii. A
priori design information for memory storing
c. Reinforcement iii.
Partial information about desired responses, or only “right” or “wrong” evaluative
d. Unsupervised iv. No information about desired
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii ii iv
(C) ii iv iii i
(D) ii iii iv i
Answer: A
73. Which of the following versions of Windows
O.S. contain built-in partition manager which allows us to shrink and expand
pre-defined drives ?
(A) Windows Vista (B) Windows
(C) Windows NT
(D) Windows 98
Answer: A
74. A Trojan horse is
(A) A program that
performs a legitimate function that is known to an operating system or its user
and also has a hidden component that can be used for nefarious purposes like
attacks on message security or impersonation.
(B) A piece of code
that can attach itself to other programs in the system and spread to other
systems when programs are copied or transferred.
(C) A program that
spreads to other computer systems by exploiting security holes like weaknesses
in facilities for creation of remote processes
(D) All of the above
Answer: A
75. Which of the following computing models is not
an example of distributed computing environment ?
(A) Cloud computing
Parallel computing
(C) Cluster computing
(D) Peer-to-peer
Answer: B
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