NEW**UGC NET Solved Papers Held On June 2015

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December 25, 2014

UGC NET Solved Paper-III June 2011

Note : This paper is of two hundred (200) marks containing four (4) sections. Candidates are required to attempt the questions contained in these sections according to the detailed instructions given therein.
Answer to all questions must be written in English only.
Note : This section consists of two essay type questions of twenty (20) marks each, to be answered in about five hundred (500) words each. (2 × 20 = 40 marks)

1. (a) Design an algorithm to reverse a singly linear linked list without using any
temporary memory location.
(b) Construct a binary tree representing the infix expression(a + b) ­ k ­
(g – m) | f * p – 5 * t and make it a post order threaded binary tree. (10 + 10)
(a) Give an O(n2) time algorithm to find the longest monotonically increasing
subsequence of a sequence of n numbers.
(b) Write Floyd-Warshall algorithm to solve the all-pairs shortest path
problems on a directed graph G. Compute its time complexity. (10 + 10)

2. (a) Given the set of functional dependencies
{A ® BCD, CD ® E, E ® CD, D ® AH, ABH ® BD, DH ® BC}
Find the non-redundant cover.
(b) Given the relation R(ABCDE) with the FD’s
{A ® BCDE, B ® ACDE, C ® ABDE}
Give the lossless decomposition of R. (10 + 10)
Why is frequency modulation superior to amplitude modulation ? Give
comparative study between encoding and modulation. (20)

Note : This section contains three (3) questions from each of the electives/specializations.
The candidate has to choose only one elective/specialization and answer all the
three questions contained therein. Each question carries fifteen (15) marks and is to
be answered in about three hundred (300) words. (3 × 15 = 45 marks)
Elective – I
3. Let G be the grammar with productions
A ® aAb | l
C ® aC | a
D ® aDa | bDb | l                                                                            (15)
Convert the grammar G into Chomsky Normal Form.
4. Design Turing Machine which accepts language                (15)
L = {an bn cn | n > 0 }
5. Give deterministic finite automata accepting the set of strings of length five or
more in which the fourth symbol from the right end is different from the left most
symbol defined over the alphabet {a, b}.                                                 (15)
Elective – II
3. Describe the construction of a typical parity check matrix for Hamming code over
GF(2) give its code words and error correction capability.                                (15)
4. Explain different components of a typical image processing system with diagram.(15)
5. Mention various techniques of video files and explain any one technique in detail.(15)
Elective – III
3. The diagram represents a network and the numbers on the arcs are their capacities.
A flow is defined as follows :
(x, y) : (s, a) (s, b) (s, c) (a, b) (a, d) (b, c)
f(x, y) :   5        6       0        0        5       1
(x, y) : (b, d) (b, e) (c, e) (d, t) (e, t)
f(x, y) :    2       3       1       7      4
UGC NET Solved Paper-III June 2011

(i) What is the value of f ?
(ii) Find an f–augmented path and compute the value of augmented flow.
(iii) Find the cut, which can justify the statement “Max flow = Minimum Cut”.(3 × 5 = 15)
4. Use revised simplex-method to solve the following linear programming problem :
Maximize Z = x1 + 2x2
Subject to the constraint : x1 + x2 < 3, x1 + 2 x2 < 5
                                          3 x1 + x2 < 6 and x1, x2 > 0                    (15)
5. Derive the Kuhn Tucker conditions for the following quadratic programming
problem and find the value of x1, x2 and x3.
Maximize Z = – x12 x22 x3 2+ 4x1 + 6x2 subject to the constraints :
x1 + x2 < 2, 2 x1 + 3 x2 < 12, x1, x2 > 0                                             (15)
Elective – IV
3. Explain the concept of feed forward Neural Network with an example. (15)
4. How unsupervised learning is different from supervised learning ? Which is more
complex ? Justify with an example.                                                     (15)
5. Prove that fuzzy set A on, IR is convex if and only if
A(lx2 + (1 – l) x2) > min (A(x1), A(x2) for all x1, x2 ÎIR and all l[0, 1]
where min denotes the minimum operator.                                       (15)
Elective – V
3. List out any 8 features of UNIX and explain any two of them. (15)
4. What is syntax of “create” system call in UNIX ? Write an algorithm for creating a
file.                                                                                                 (15)
5. How object library, dynamic linking library and import library works in WINDOWS environment ? (15)
Note : This section contains nine (9) questions of ten (10) marks, each to be answered in
about fifty (50) words. (9 × 10 = 90 marks)
6. Construct a logic circuit diagram for the exclusive – OR function using only NOR
gates. (10)
7. Consider the following graph-based locking protocol, which allows only exclusive
lock modes, and which operates on data graphs that are in the form of a rooted
directed acyclic graph :
– A transition can lock any vertex first.
– To lock any other vertex, the transaction must be holding a lock on the
majority of the parents of the vertex.
Show that the protocol ensures serializability and dead lock freedom. (10)
8. Explain terms Aspect Ratio, Refresh Rate and Resolution of a Graphics Display
System.                                                                                                 (10)
9. Let w = {11, 13, 24, 7} and m = 31. Find all possible subsets of w that sum to m.
Draw the portion of the state space tree that is generated.                  (10)
10. Explain under what circumstances asynchronous and synchronous transmission
technique are employed. Why asynchronous communications require additional
standard stop bits ? What is wrong with letting the first-bit in a transmission act as
a start bit and last one act as a stop bit ?                                             (10)
11. Write an algorithm to compute maximum and minimum of a given set of n
elements.                                                                                               (10)
12. Discuss any two constraints imposed while designing an object model. (10)
13. Define the role of “prototyping” and “4GT” paradigm in software engineering. (10)
14. Discuss characteristics of deadlock in an operating system. (10)
Note : This section contains five (5) questions of five (5) marks each based on the following
passage. Each question should be answered in about thirty (30) words.
(5 × 5 = 25 marks)
M/s Greenlay Bank has just ventured into a retail banking system with the following
function (sub processes) at the beginning :
– Saving Bank accounts
– Current Bank accounts
– Fixed deposits
– Loans
– Demat Account
With reference to above, answer the following qu

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